preserve and enhance the intent of OPA 90
Corporate Members
Public and private companies, corporations, partnerships and limited liability companies, consulting, accounting and law firms, and trade and labor associations affiliated with the industries and interests aligned with the mission of the Forum are eligible for membership in the Forum and are referred to herein as “Corporate Members”.

Individual Members
Individuals, either in a professional or personal capacity, are eligible for membership in the Forum.
Government Employees
Federal, State, local, or triabl government employees are welcome to join the OPA 90 Forum as individuals. Recognizing the Forum’s goal is to collaborate and coordinate with many interested parties, participation in the Forum’s agenda by government employees would bring a unique perspective.

Academic, Research, and/or Environmental
Institutions representing academia, research, or environmental (“ARE”) interests are eligible for membership in the Forum.
Membership Dues
Corporate Member Dues:
$3,750 annually: 15 or more employees
$2,100 annually: 5-14 employees
$425 annually: 4 or less employees
Individual Member Dues
$425 annually
Government Employee Dues:
$200 annually
Academic/Research/Environmental Member Dues:
$750 annually